Until now, I, Evan, had not truly realized how much hard work goes into a play. By three weeks before production, we were practicing five days a week, with almost two hours after school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and eight hour dress rehearsals on Saturday. Needless to say, my lines and the lines of all the other characters have been deeply burned into my memory, as well as how to act and what Not to do.
I also learned the joys of dressing as fast as you can between curtain calls, and stage make-up. Make-up is a scary thing when you're a guy and have never even considered touching 'foundation' or 'eyeliner', but apparently it turns out well when you're up there underneath those lights. Which, may I add, are some of the hottest things on this planet, and you literally are both blinded and scorched by them when you're up on that stage.
All in all, acting in a play was a very satisfying and enjoyable experience. Dressing up and taking the stage has given me new talents, as well as to help strengthen others which I have always had. One such ability was the power of projecting my voice, which was very very useful at the Battle of the Bands. I was also able to strengthen friendships with several of the cast members, and had a lot of fun along the way.
Below is a picture of our cast, with myself in white. Clockwise, from myself are: Peter 'Jake'; Hannah, our 'student director'; Renee, The Director; Bradley, 'Jack'; (above him) Justin, or 'Doc, the Star of the play'; Stephanie, or 'Maxine'; Nuk, 'Charlotte'; Jessica, 'Patty'; Sarah, or 'Sally'; Jeanette Hall, The Producer; Sara, or 'Effie', and Matthias, a.k.a. 'Buzz'.