Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween: Not as Innocent as You Think

In truth, any of us who have ever lived in North America know that Halloween affects our lives and culture deeply. Unfortunately, the number of us who know the origins of this autumn holiday are in short supply. Personally, me and my brothers have never been trick or treating, and I am now very grateful to my parents for keeping me from such activities. And now, to the histories of Halloween.

Halloween. All Hallows' Eve. Satan's Birthday. The Witches' New Year. Many years before Christ was born, the day of October 31st was the holy day that divided Winter and Summer by two fire festivals. It was part of the Celtic Feast of Samhain, and it commemorated the beginning of Winter. According to druidic beliefs, this was the day that the spirit world and the material world became one. Demonic creature that emerged during this time were appeased by animal sacrifices, and offerings to the dead were held. The druids even dressed themselves up as denizens of evil, and involved themselves in demonic activities, hence the dressing up of children for this holiday.

Years later, the early Christian church attempted to redeem this holiday by moving All Saints' Day from May to November 1. Which then made October 31st All Hallow's Eve. Unfortunately, present-day North America has forgotten the alterings of this day, and seems intent on reverting back to the unadulterated version of pagan pasts.

What must not be forgotten is that Halloween is a day filled with demonic oppression. All over the world satanists and witches perform their occultic rituals and sacrifices. Which is why, as my mother is doing, Christians all over the world are praying to the Most High. Pray that children would be safe, that the demonic wishes of those with evil intent would not be carried out. May the Holy Spirit protect us all in this time of dark oppression, and that the shadows will melt away from those who know the Truth.

Fortunately for us, Halloween is not celebrated here in Thailand, and our eyes need not be assaulted by gruesome, disturbing faces at every corner. However, Loy Krathong will be celebrated this weekend, which in itself holds its own in spiritual oppression and trappings. More on this next week,


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