Pastor Sydney, a Thai pastor very much involved in the work happening at Omkoi wrote the email below (with some of my revisions for clarity) just this morning.
"I came back early this morning (2 AM) from Soblan, Omkoi. We had a wonderful healing meeting in the village. We prayed for a girl whose foot got caught in a motorcycle's spoke. When I saw it, I felt sorry for her. They might have needed to amputate it because she had no feeling in it, it was swollen, and it looked hopeless. The wound was still open after a month. A doctor tried with 22 stitches to put it together but could not get her skin to heal. We prayed for over 5 and a half hours but it was worth the long prayer when we saw the healing process happen right before our eyes. Her foot became normal and all the feeling came back. Her wound was completely healed! She still skipped around with one leg but after a few more short prayers, she started walking normally. The whole village went wild!"
And I believe we all would have, had we been there. Let's praise the Lord for this wonderful miracle that is sure to transform more so the people in Omkoi. Let's pray that the Lord will move in a more powerful and greater way setting off the unprecedented hunger for God all over Thailand. Thank you.
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