Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Prayer Counseling

Last week, I (Linda) was able to once again participate in the Prayer Counseling Seminar (PCS) offered to our organization's workers right after Reunion. This is the 3rd year that I've been involved in it. My roles have ranged from Dish Washer, Logistics Coordinator of Snacks and Lunches, Worship Leader, Teacher, Secondary Counselor, to Lead Counselor. It gets to be very tiring when it's all over but worth every effort for me just to see the Lord moving in the lives of those who attend.

At Reunion, one of those counseled last year shared that he was at wit's end and wanted to not just leave the field, but end his life! He signed up to attend the PCS as a last resort and with a lot of resignation. In his mind he was thinking that it was for weak people and was truly quite surprised when he was ministered to enormously. His wife said he came back a 'changed man' after the seminar last year.

Each seminar starts with 2 days of intensive teaching followed by 2-3 hours of Prayer Sessions for each attendee. It's such a wonderful process especially since as 2 of the attendees are counseled, the rest are simultaneously praying for the sessions. What a remarkable experience when people in the counseling sessions are prayed for in specific ways (or receive a word) while the rest of the attendees praying in a separate room are praying for the exact same things. Then, it becomes too apparently obvious that the Holy Spirit's moving and it's so awesome to witness. I am grateful and shall always take great delight in being a part of PCS no matter what role I play.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda,

    Thanks for all your hard work on the blog. I really appreciate it very much. I enjoy reading them very much. love you.

