Thursday, November 1, 2007

He's Back!

My father only just having gotten back from Singapore yesterday, there wasn’t time to put up a blog posting. I did, however, sit down with him and jot down a brief summary of everything that he did during his trip.

First, and most importantly, he enjoyed himself. His overall highlight of the trip was running in the botanical gardens in the mornings. Unfortunately, he was unable to do this a lot, due to a lot of meetings that went on; it was also the rainy season.

One of the many meetings that my father attended was the IFC, or International Financial Conference. This took place over the course of three days.

The other highlight of his trip was taking the overnight bus to Malaysia and celebrating his mother’s birthday. This was the first time for him to celebrate with her for seven years. He was really glad that he was able to take the opportunity and turn what was supposed to be a business trip into a time to visit with his mother.

Another meeting that he attended was the AMB, or Asian Business Manager, meeting. This also took place over three days. After this there were two days of annual estimate review.

While visiting a church during his visit he was able to participate in a quiz. The question was to identify the theme song being played. It had barely even started playing when he knew the answer: the theme from Chariots of Fire. For answering this question he received a CD.

Following this was a CHANGE Management seminar that lasted a few more days. He really enjoyed it, and felt he learned a lot.

In closing he had a really good time in Singapore. He was able to eat a lot of different kinds of foods, and even meet old friends. We are all glad that he’s finally back with us here in Thailand, and that the Lord answered our prayers over his trip.

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