Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thank God

Two days ago I sat down to the computer to find an email from Matthew Reitnour, Houghton College’s Director of Admission, in my inbox. The email was entitled “FYHP and scholarship letter‏.” I can clearly remember thinking to myself, “Wait, I can remember the First Year Honors Program thing, but what’s this about a scholarship?”

Opening the email I read:

Greetings from Houghton College! Attached you’ll find a letter outlining our decision regarding your application to the First Year Honors Program, and you’ll also find information regarding your scholarship award.

There was a Word document attached, and I downloaded it wondering to myself what the outcome would be. Here is an excerpt from the second and third paragraphs of the letter:

Choosing students from this extraordinary group of candidates was difficult - a task undertaken with discussion, care, and prayer. I'm pleased to advise you, Evan, that the Committee was favorably impressed with your application and interviews and wishes to extend to you an invitation to be part of the London track of the First-Year Honors Program.

The Scholarship Committee has also made its final selections for awards. Let me congratulate you on your selection for one of the Chamberlain Scholarships of $10,000, or a four-year total of $40,000. This award is renewable from year to year, requiring you to maintain a grade-point average of 3.25 and remain a student in good standing.

I was totally blown away. Not only was I accepted into the First-Year Honors Program, but I was also accepted for the scholarship! I had continually believed that both would be coming my way after the interview, but actually reading it with my very own eyes was breathtaking.

All of my thanks go to God for blessing me with this. I went into the interview covered with prayer, and left it with the full confidence and faith that I had done my best and that God had helped me all throughout. There really are no words for this amazing blessing, and this only serves to prove how faithful and how generous our God is.

I continue to thank Him for what He has done.

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