Since his hair started to come off, Eric would consistently find fallen hair on his pillow or shirts. He is one of those who gets bothered by off-the-head hair (be it hair in his soup, your neck, shirt, actually even hairbrushes!) so you can imagine his consternation each time he finds hair almost anywhere his head has been. It could be why he’s contemplating shaving his head. Once it’s done, there won’t be any more misplaced hair to contend with! It’s interesting how we let things like a piece of hair on our meat bother us. Even more interesting is the fact that our God would care to help us deal with our quirks. Eric is certainly learning to deal with his idiosyncrasy! Everyday for the past week, he’s been forced to handle his fallen hair better. Will the Lord never stop in helping us become better people? Apparently not!
The great news is, Eric is supposed to have lost his hair 2-3 weeks after receiving his first chemo (which was March 19). It’s been almost 4 weeks but his hair, although thinned, is still there. We are grateful for the hair that the Lord continues to allow Eric to have. Thank you for praying! He’s also been eating well, full of energy, and infection free.
Please keep praying for him as he receives his next chemo treatment (the first administration of the 2nd cycle) this Friday, April 16. Bless you!
Oh, he decided not to shave his hair but wear it for as long as he's able. =)
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