I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:1-2
I (Linda) remember distinctly when we found out in March that Eric had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and would require chemo treatments. We prayed as a family and asked for the Lord to have mercy and have him at least finish his Grade 11 school year. Back then, we didn’t know how many days of school he’d miss because of his treatments and how it’ll affect his studies, especially his AP Stats (a college level Statistics class). Well, the school year ended on June 1st and Eric missed a total of 4-1/2 days, just the days when he was at the hospital! (Thankfully, two treatments were received during the two week April break.) As you may already know, Eric also made it to all of his year end gatherings (Agape Orphanage Party, Art Show, Choir Concert, AP Stats bowling trip), including the Junior/Senior Grad Dance.
Back then, I was concerned that his studies would be affected and that he wouldn’t make it through the school year. I thought if he did finish, his grades would reflect less than desirable grades. Last week, except for one course, his report card showed him acing all his courses (including AP Stats!). How that happened has a lot to do with Eric's ability and diligence but those alone aren't enough! We know it is the Lord’s grace and wonder. We are (grateful and) glad and rejoice in Him!
Below are our prayer requests once again. Bless you. =)
1. That the Lord constantly be glorified in Eric’s circumstances.
2. Regardless of what we want, that His will, will happen, and not ours
3. That we rely solely on God and are unified as a family.
4. That Eric will be prepared physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, for what’s in store for him.
5. That we trust the Lord completely no matter what happens to Eric.
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