I believe You’re my healer.
I believe You are all I need.
From the song “Healer” by Hillsongs
Eric started with God and ended with God. Over the last few months, I’ve seen the Lord’s love and goodness, His provision of friends who helped us, and His healing of Eric. I know He’s not going to do anything differently for us in our future. I don’t just mean physical healing but healing of relationships, hearts, and minds so that we think better. I’ve had a lot of heart ache in the last few weeks. I realize I’ve been hurting for many reasons; friends who left the school, the situation with my parents, and relationships that aren’t going well. For a time, I’ve wallowed in my grief. I even found a verse (Proverbs 14:13) that says “Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief.” That verse made it even easier to hurt. But, the good thing about pain is that after awhile, you can get numb. The choice then becomes choosing to dwell in that numbing pain, or moving on. I choose the lines above and move on.
Nothing has necessarily happened just yet but He is my healer and He is all I need. He will make something happen. He will heal; He will fill all my need.
I’ll end this with the following lines that I read in three different successive email messages. The Lord is on the move already to point me in the right direction. =)
The journey has been difficult. Many voices have tried to stop you from proceeding. The reward for you in this next season is great. Proceed into celebration. You need to celebrate the victory now over the things that you are praying about and that you are concerned about. Celebrate the victory now, and when you get into that place where you see what you have been praying for, the victory will manifest before you. Chuck Pierce
Your response determines your future. Your goal is to just finish well, not losing your joy. Theresa Phillips
God wants His children well and joyful. Joseph Prince
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