Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders;Colossians 4:4
Make the most of every opportunity.
I felt around my pockets to see if there was anything I could bless them with. Nothing, my pockets were empty. I picked a bag of Peanut Butter M&Ms on my way out the door so it was all I had on me. It’s a type of M&M I haven’t tried so I popped one in my mouth. Mmm, it was good. Dare I offer it to them? I surprised myself when I heard my voice say, “Would you like some M&Ms?” in Filipino. Almost all the heads nodded vigorously so I proceeded to put 3 pieces of the round chocolate on each outstretched hand. I got a little nervous that not everyone would get 3 pieces but I got to the last hand with two pieces still left in the bag. Whew, I gladly ate those and smiled at them when they thanked me as I hurriedly followed Eng and Ethan up the hill.
A short while later, we turned around to head back to the house we were at. It was then that I saw the seven boys heading towards our direction. Home to them was the opposite way. Eng and Ethan walked ahead as they heard me address the young ones. I asked them their names, ages (between 10 and 12 – like my sons’ ages), and what they wanted to be when they grew up. I also asked if they knew the God who wanted to bless them with M&Ms that day. =) They told me that someone would sometimes go to their neighborhood and tell them Bible stories. Soon we were talking about why Jesus died on the cross and how when Peter kept looking at him during a storm, he was able to do the impossible and walked on water. As soon as Peter looked at the waves around him, he sank. I then said that at some point in their lives, they will experience hardships but if they keep looking to Jesus and not to their situations, they would do the impossible too. Their faces lit up as I told them not to forget to talk to others about God just like we were doing. I said God would be faithful to them and answer our prayers that day. It was their job not to forget Him and His goodness.
After our prayers, we all felt joy in our hearts. I kissed and hugged them goodbye. They kept thanking me and as they disappeared at the crest of the hill even yelled “I love you!” They knew it and I knew it, God touched all of us that day. We probably won’t ever see one another again on earth, we didn’t exchange numbers, but I know that someday we’ll revisit in heaven and talk about the rest of their lives and our time on top of the hill.
If that could happen to me and I didn’t even plan it, how much more exciting and wonderful would those times be when we make the most of every opportunity. God would never cease to fascinate us if we allow Him to. Would you try?
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