Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

We do not know what to do,
but our eyes are upon you."

2 Chronicles 20:12 NIV

This past week-end was particularly special because Evan graduated from Houghton College in western New York on May 12, 2012. He finished his BA degree majoring in English and Writing with a minor in Psychology. We attended his baccalaureate and commencement exercises which were both God honouring. They also had a talent show called "Spot" which we enjoyed watching because Evan not just danced but performed two well received funny skits with his friend Luke. To say Evan was blessed and truly thrived in his last four years at Houghton College is an understatement. We are grateful. =)

Part of the seniors’ verse was the above which served to remind us of where we find ourselves sometimes with regards to what we need to do as we prepare to go back to Thailand. We get stumped and feel overwhelmed and don’t know what to do, BUT, our eyes are fixed on Papa God as He’s the only one who can see us through our situations and help us.

For Mother’s Day, we went over to my parent’s house and celebrated with our extended family. It was good to just hang out and be with loved ones. Above is a picture with my mother and sisters-in-law. There are other mothers in the family (2 more sisters-in-law and 2 sisters) but they are not in the picture.

As mothers, what a wonderful privilege we had/have in bearing, giving birth, loving, nurturing, playing with, disciplining, coaching, advising, and eventually letting go of our children. They do grow up so fast! Moms, let's enjoy them while they're around.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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