Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Post

It's official! On Thursday last week, it was announced that I will be the new Student and Family Life Ministries Coordinator in the school I teach at. I'll be starting my post on August 1st, 2013. This last week of school, along with saying "goodbye" to people leaving, I needed to have closure as well on my job as an ESL teacher. I'd truly enjoyed teaching for the past five years. What an honor and privilege to have been able to not just teach English but to have input in the lives of my former students. What a blessing this phase in my life had been!

When school re-starts next year, I will be in charge of the Activities Fair (where students get to sign up for any ministry they want to be involved with in the school year), Children's Homes ministries (visits to orphanages, etc.), Timothy Project (adults mentoring older students as they teach the Bible to younger students), Christmas in the Park (an outreach to the community), Ministry Day, and Summer ministries. I have a LOT to learn. There are five children's homes to visit, for example, and I only know of 2 of them! I'm not quite sure what the rest of my new job entails but whatever the final "to-dos" end up being, I know Papa God will not forsake me but will be my constant Supporter, Counselor, Helper, Leader, and Guide. Thank you, Lord! Let's do it! In my weaknesses, You will be made strong. =)

Ob Luang is a National Park in Chiang Mai. There is a trail
that winds itself alongside this river. In some spots, there
are deeper gorges with fascinating rock formations.


  1. Congratulations!!!!! Praising our father for preparing you for the job He had planned for you!
