Well, Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! To all of you fortunate enough to have a dearly beloved, my wishes that you have purchases for them a gift of great meaning and forethought.
For all of you people who have been reading this blog since its untimely conception back early last year, you may recall a posting about Valentine’s. Dated in March. This was due to the fact that not a lot of plan or purpose was put into it, though we are glad to say that has changed.
Carrying on, it just so happens that this year our school has finally decided to bend and break and give us, the students, what we want. Dances. Just last weekend, we were blessed with our third dance ever. This exciting event took place just last Saturday, and I must say, it was pretty fun.
Yes, I went with someone. It being Sadie Hawkins and all (meaning, ‘girls ask the guys’), I was asked by a good friend of mine, Jessica Johnson. And before all of you swift-minded ones start jumping to hasty conclusions, allow me to explain a few things. Jessica is a senior, she has a boyfriend who has graduated and is in the States right now, we are just friends.
To the main point of this article, do any of you remember what last year’s Valentine’s post was so specifically about? It was about my shirt! Not about who I was going with or what I was going to, it was about what I was wearing. I just decided to add the above to make it more interesting and semi-personal.
It seems I have formed a little tradition conjoining this year and last year, for, as I was scrambling to find something to wear that would fit this year’s dance attire format “Fire and Ice”, I decided upon making another shirt. It was created by both yours truly and my awesome friend and amazing artist, Megan. Between the two of us we managed to create with our own four hands and permanent black markers, a shirt that represented in all of its former-plain-collared-blue-ness, Ice.
The picture is up! From left to right we are Jessica, yours truly, Kayla, and Jason. Jess and

myself went with Kayla and Jason and ate at her house pre-dance-wise. If you look closely you can see the rose inked on the left pocket. And if you look
really closely then you can see a snowflake-snowman pattern that goes around the bottom of the shirt. And i know what you're thinking, all of you people who have never been to Canada. Snowflakes and snowmen? It's not Christmas! Well, I've got news for you, it snows on Valentine's Day.