Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Out of Gas

Last Friday morning, just a little bit over a week after Eng left for Canada, as I was driving us to school (with 3 kids of our own and 3 from the neighbourhood), the car suddenly coughed, sputtered, and died. We were out of gas. As this unbelievable thought gloomily sank in, I realised that I've relied way too much on Eng putting gas in our car. How stupid. But, BIG BUT, even before the car slowly halted to a stop, our neighbour's van pulled up alongside ours and they asked if they could drive the kids to school. I of course very happily agreed and our car quickly cleared of its passengers. Then, as I pondered my predicament (about 1 second), another friend drove past and asked what the trouble was. I asked if she could purchase gas for me and she did come back with it in the next half hour.

Later, as I drove to school, I couldn't get over how in the midst of my messing up, the Lord showed His kindness to me. The night before, I was careening up and down the main roads at top speed and I drove past deserted lanes and seedy places. We could have stalled then and easily gotten into a fatal accident as the brake locks (meaning 'no brakes') when the engine is off, or endangered ourselves by stopping at unsafe spots where hardly anyone passed, BUT, we didn't. Instead, we stopped just 5 blocks from our house, at an intersection where we were too hard to miss by people passing by.

How the Lord orchestrates these situations is too much to comprehend. Life will always be unpredictable, gas will sometimes run out, but His grace? Never, ever, will it say, 'out of grace'. The Lord is too full of grace and so fresh and new every morning. Thank you, Lord!


  1. praise God! thanks for sharing that story linda. it's such a good reminder of how the Lord is in control of all the comings and goings of our lives. and a good reminder of His grace that we so often take for granted!

  2. You're welcome! I love talking about how super cool He is.

  3. WOW, God's grace is more than enough =]

    Theresa and i were the ones that Eng was with and i learned a lot and was about to reflect deeply into my own life.

    thanks for sharing your lives~

  4. Good for you Linda! Never to forget how the Lord provides and watches over us, even when we make silly mistakes!

    ElShadi - The Lord will provide
